Praying for the transformation of Ipswich

By the presence and power of God!

Call to Prayer for Ipswich and the Nation

At this time when there is uncertainty in society please read this important Call to Prayer and lift up those items which resonate with your spirit.

As a focus for Christians in Ipswich to come together to prayer there is a gathering on 22nd October - see this link for more details. This follows on from National Week of Prayer.

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Ipswich 24/7 Prayer Room - a place to intercede for this town

There is a 24/7 town wide Prayer Room which has been running since 14th February. It will run until at least the end of 2024. This is a place for Christians in Ipswich to intercede for this town, read prophecies that have been given over many years and record encouragements from God as we pray.
This document gives key background to the setting up of this room.
Please signup for a slot(s) here !

On 17th May it was wonderful to have a good number celebrating the first three months of the prayer room and hearing of the impact it had had on some of those who had spent time in it.

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Tuesday Morning Prayer Gathering - almost every Tuesday you can gather with others to pray for Ipswich from 7.30-8.30am, All Saints Church, Chevallier Street, IP1 2PQ. Please use the picture below as a poster to advertise this.

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Monthly prayer focus - each month IIP is looking to encourage pray-ers in Ipswich to focus on a few specific aspects of the life of the town. Please go to this link and then click More for all the relevant information.

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September Prayer Breakfast

On 21st September there was an Ipswich wide prayer breakfast and one of the items for prayer was FIND (Families In NeeD). In particular we were celebrating over 30 years of serving those in significant need of food, furniture and household items, motivated by God’s love for each of them.

Here is a picture of Maureen who heads up FIND being given a celebratory picture and certificate at the breakfast by representatives of Together For Ipswich and Ipswich In Prayer.

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Crown Him with Many Crowns 2024 - this annual celebration of what God has done and seeking Him for new initiatives saw over 200 people gather from across the church community in the area. For those who were not able to be there please follow this link to a recording. A prayer leaflet was given out and this can be downloaded here.

At Crown Him the following powerful declaration was spoken over Ipswich and is continuing to be used:

Lord God, we thank You and praise You for all that You have done in, for, and through this town over the years. We thank You for stirring our hearts to look to You again and again.

We pray Your blessing and leading for Your church in this town in 2024 and we thank You for what You are going to do.

We continue to pray Your Kingdom come in these days, in increasing measure.

We commit to contend in prayer for this generation - and the next - that Your Name, the precious Name of Jesus, would be lifted high and many, many more would come to know You as their Lord and Saviour. Amen

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Ipswich In Prayer leads the “Prayer sphere” within Together for Ipswich praying for the cross-church work which is going on around Ipswich. One example is the annual “Crown Him with Many Crowns” event in January.

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Doubling the number of children and young active disciples!

The Church of England has a vision to pray in a doubling the number of children and young active disciples by 2030. It’s about young lives being won and shaped by the goodness, beauty and truth of Jesus. It is about asking God for his enabling and empowering, his leading and guiding, his work to open hearts and draw young people to himself.

The prayer meeting will be every Tuesday on Zoom for 20 mins from 13:00-13:20. The link you’ll need for the Zoom ( is the same every week.

The prayer meeting will be reasonably fast-paced, and start and end bang on time. Some of the time will be spent in breakout rooms, but, all the way through, prayers can be offered verbally, in the chat, or silently.

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Request Prayer
Please note that at any time you can request prayer from the Ipswich In Prayer team via the button below or the top level menu link.

Why Ipswich in Prayer?

Across Ipswich there are many individuals, small groups and churches praying. Our aim is to serve the praying community in Ipswich, recognising our common purpose, as together we pray, ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done’.

The vision for Ipswich in Prayer, since its beginnings in 2000, has and will always be -

Ipswich Town

Raise the profile of and commitment to prayer in the town

United Church

In and around Ipswich, Unite the church in prayer to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit


See God’s Transformation of our town (county, regions and nation) through prayer

What we do


connecting locally, regionally, nationally and globally, seeking, discerning and sharing God's word for the town at this time


calling God's people to prayer at strategic times, praying across denominations, generations and nations


facilitating teaching and training, encouraging a culture of love, respect and blessing

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

 — Foundational verse: 2000, 2 Chronicles 7: 14

Are you hurting?

Nine areas of prayer

Recap on the full broadcast on May 23rd 2021 on our YouTube Channel

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | GENERAL HEALTH

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | VULNERABLE FAMILIES

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | HOUSING & HOMELESSNESS

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | RACIAL EQUALITY

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | MENTAL HEALTH

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | EDUCATION

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | DEBT & POVERTY

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | BUSINESS

Ipswich in Prayer - Pray with us | ADDICTION