The history of Ipswich in Prayer

Remember the wonders he has performed,his miracles, and the rulings he has given

 — 1 Chronicles 16:12

Remember: God’s word spoken for Ipswich

Many individuals, groups and churches have been praying collectively under the Ipswich in Prayer (IIP) banner since October 2000. We have seen many prayers answered and great encouragements as well as challenges. Some may remember the early days of our corporate story; others will have arrived in Ipswich more recently.

Our first event, an Evening of Prayer was held in December 2000; we have gathered together many times since, as well as connecting by email, prayer walking, holding prayer schools and weekends of prayer. We have taken a full part in national weeks of prayer and the Global Day of Prayer, as well as connecting with other prayer networks across England.

We believe in a great and a good God who loves and longs to bless our town. “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Foundational Verse - please meditate on what 2 Chronicles 7:14 means for you.

Declaration 2023

Declaration 2024

Over time, we will add more of our history and entries from the IIP journals, including some of the prophetic words we have received from God over the years. The Israelites would look back, remember and give thanks for the way God had led them, and it is good for us to do that too. It’s been quite a journey!

Foundational Verse

Declaration 2023

Declaration 2024