Prayer Walk 2021

Prayer Walking is as simple as it sounds. We walk, pray, and listen to God. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in praying, and speak Bible verses too as we go.

We ask God to meet the needs of people, situations and places we pass, and we bless the land in His name, praying “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, here on Earth, in this place, as it is in heaven.”

Dawn and Tracey, two ladies who love to walk, and love to pray, will be prayer walking the boundary of Ipswich ~22miles on Tuesday July 20th 2021.

We invite you to pray for them, and pray with them intentionally for our town on this day.

Stage One St Andrews to All Hallows
Approx time 7-8am

Start at St Andrews, Britannia Road,Foxhall Road,Bixley Road
Felixstowe Road (St Augustines),Ransomes Way
Nacton Road,Landseer Road – (All Hallows)

Stage Two All Hallows to St Peters
Approx 8-9.30

Landseer Rd, Holywells Rd, Cliff Rd, Patterson Rd, Orwell Quay, Neptune Quay, Wherry Quay, Common Quay, Foundry Lane, St Peters Dock, Bridge Street, Vernon Street, Hawes Street, Wherstead Rd, Coporation Avenue through Bourne Park to St Peters.

Stage Three St Peters to Shepherds Drive
Approx time 10.00-10.45

Stoke Park Drive, Ellenbrook Road, Bridgewater Road, Hawthorn Drive, Shepherd Drive

Stage Four Shepherd Drive to All Saints

Scrivener Drive, London Road, Yarmouth Road, Chevallier Street All Saints

Stage Five All Saints to Whitton Church Lane
Approx time 11.30 – 12.30

Bramford Lane, Lovetofts Drive, Whitehouse Road, Norwich Road, Old Norwich Road, Whitton Church Lane

Stage Six Macaulay Road to Picton Avenue
Approx 12.30 – 2pm

Whitton Church lane, Macaulay Road, Defoe Road, Henley Road, Valley Road, Westerfield Road, Colchester Road, Picton Avenue.

Stage Seven Colchester Road to St Andrews
2.30 – 4pm

Colchester Road, Sidegate Lane West, Humber Doucy Lane, Rushmere Road, Playford Road, Woodbridge Road, Heath Road, through hospital back to Britannia Road.