October 2025 Prayer Breakfast

Sat 18 Oct 7:30 am

October Prayer Breakfast

This breakfast will extend the celebrations of 25th anniversary of Ipswich In Prayer!
Note the Crown Him prayer gathering the evening before on 17th October which will also be giving thanks to God for Ipswich In Prayer.

Timing: To be confirmed but date is 18th October - This is open to all at no charge but donations welcome!

It will be held at:
St. Peter’s Church, Stoke Park Drive, Ipswich, IP2 9TH (parking available)

Look out for the A4 poster and A5 flier to help publicise this next key opportunity for cross church prayer. Please book the date and tell your friends.

We do need to know numbers for catering so if you plan to come (and have any special dietary requirements) please reply directly to this email to book in (i.e. to [email protected]).