July 2024 Prayer Focus

Please use this prayer focus as you are led by God’s Spirit, in personal prayer times, in church prayer times, passing it on via church communications/Facebook groups etc.

  • Scripture

1 Timothy 2:1-4 - “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.“

  • Be thankful

Town Pastors as they celebrate their 18th anniversary  – please give thanks for the many lives touched since Town Pastors began in Ipswich and pray for more younger pastors, in particular males, to keep up the numbers needed to sustain this work. Please use this poster to publicise the townwide celebration of this anniversary on the evening of 6th July at Bethesda Baptist Church.

Opportunities of the summer weather – give thanks for the activities which can take place during summer weather – to build community or to reach out in mission.

Health workers  – who show such compassion to so many in this town as they seek to bring healing and relief physically and mentally. May God give them the energy they need day by day, and ensure they have the recharge time they need to be able to keep serving well.

Ipswich in Prayer “pray-ers” – thank God for those who are committed to praying, indeed interceding, for this town on a regular basis. May they continue to look to Him for the inspiration they need to pray in line with His Will and hence see more of His Will being done and His Kingdom come.

  • Intercede

Local Christian charities  – give thanks for the many and diverse Christian based charities in the Ipswich area, seeking to spread God’s blessing and share His message of salvation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for those you are aware of as they each face challenges as well as encouragements at this time. You can use the help is here website to find out what some of the charities are doing regularly.

Those who are job hunting  – at this time of year many younger people can be job hunting for the summer and beyond, alongside those who are out of work or desire a change of job. Pray they all have the wisdom they need to know where to apply and that they experience a fair selection process.

Police  – uphold those who are genuinely keen to see communities protected and flourish. May they let God’s wisdom help them work effectively so that resources are used efficiently, and people feel safer throughout Ipswich.

Office/Home Workers  – may this important worker group know that what they do is really important and appreciated. May they have managers who really care for them and enable them to give of their best, blessing customers more as a result.

New MPs (for the two Ipswich constituencies) and new Prime Minister  – Uphold them as they settle into their new responsibilities and seek to serve their communities as well as the country – may more of God’s purposes be worked out through them.

  • Prayer suggestion

Dear Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to be the means of our salvation, restoring relationship with You after the Fall. Praise You for the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower us each day to live lives which are much closer to Your plan, blessing others. May the truth of the Trinity capture more people’s hearts this summer. Thank You for the health workers and facilities you have put in place around Ipswich, the police who seek to enforce the law of the land and the office and home workers who are dedicated to their tasks. May everyone in these areas come to let You inspire them to serve well and see the results, ultimately bringing glory to You. Finally, we ask for tenacity for those who are interceding for Ipswich, that their inspired prayers will open the windows of heaven for You to bless this town. All this we ask for Your Glory and Name’s sake. Amen.