June 2024 Prayer Focus

Please use this prayer focus as you are led by God’s Spirit, in personal prayer times, in church prayer times, passing it on via church communications/Facebook groups etc.

  • Scripture

1 Peter 3:15 - “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…“

2 Peter 3:9-10 – “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.”

  • Be thankful

The gift of the Holy Spirit  – a guarantee of what is to come in Heaven and the one who will be with us until Jesus Himself comes back to earth, reminding us of God’s truth and empowering us to live it out.

The Big Suffolk Prayer Walk  – be thankful for the many areas of Suffolk and Ipswich that were covered in prayer either as people physically walked them or prayed about them from a distance.

Church leaders and leadership teams – give thanks for the dedicated work that these committed people put in week by week. Pray they make time to keep listening to God and His priorities for them, inviting others to work with them as He prompts. Pray they allow for recharge time, just as Jesus did.

  • Intercede

Ongoing prayer walking around the town – may each of us be in prayer as we move around the town on foot or any other means – lifting up the people around us before our Father for His blessing and transformation, following on from the Big Suffolk Prayer Walk last month.

Local Christian charities  – give thanks for the many and diverse Christian based charities in the Ipswich area, seeking to spread God’s blessing and share His message of salvation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for those you are aware of as they each face challenges as well as encouragements at this time. You can use the help is here website to find out what some of the charities are doing regularly.

Education  – pray for teachers and students in education at any level in this time of exams. May teachers have fresh passion to see their students realise their potential and students see the opportunities that are there if they work diligently.

Together for Ipswich  – multiple streams of key work continue with Ukrainians & Asylum seekers, Sports Ministry, Social Enterprise development and social mobility challenges for young people. Key meetings coming up this month to pray for are: 3rd June - Steering Committee meeting, 15th June - Sports Ministry breakfast, 22nd June - Prayer Breakfast (including prayer for the General Election).
Please note again that Ipswich In Prayer is now the Prayer Sphere within Together For Ipswich.

General Election – for the two Ipswich constituencies. Please see this helpful guidance from the 24-7 Prayer organisation. See the Events page for information about a 28th June Hustings and 3rd July Prayer Gathering.

  • Prayer suggestion

Dear King of kings, we thank You for the wisdom you long to impart by Your Holy Spirit to each one who genuinely seeks You for it in order to live their lives closer to Your plans. We ask that You would help Your people accept Your wisdom and hence be a beacon to show others the change You can make in us as a consequence of Your salvation. May Your Church communities be increasingly seen to be working as one for Your purposes. Finally we uphold all those facing key exams at this time – may they have results which reflect their true abilities as a preparation for the next stage in their lives. All these things, and so much more, we ask humbly by faith in Jesus’ Name and authority, Amen.