March 2024 Prayer Focus

Please use this prayer focus as you are led by God’s Spirit, in personal prayer times, in church prayer times, passing it on via church communications/Facebook groups etc etc.

  • Scripture

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV) – “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Corinthians 15:21 (NIV) – “For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.”

  • Be thankful

Start of the 24-7 Prayer Room in Ipswich - running at least through Lent. Please consider signing up via this link. It will be time well spent in God’s presence interceding for this town.

Together For Ipswich – give thanks for the second encouraging AGM with updated Steering Committee. Give thanks for the teams working on support for Ukrainian refugees (including the recent Vigil), cost of living pressures, education opportunities, health improvements, sports ministry and arts opportunities.

The opportunities that improving weather gives for mission and practical compassion activities in our communities.

  • Intercede

“Crown Him Ipswich!” prayer gathering – This is a follow up to the Crown Him with Many Crowns event in January when around 250 gathered to praise, listen to God’s heart and pray for Ipswich, concluding by declaring God’s truth over Ipswich. Please see Events - Ipswich In Prayer for details of the next cross church prayer opportunity on 12th March and a poster to make it known in your church/network/organisation!

Christian charities all around Ipswich – of whatever size. They minister faithfully to young and old. Pray for wisdom to use the resources they have been given really effectively.

The Dwell weekend for youth leaders being hosted by CYM from 22nd - 24th March – may this be a time of spiritual refreshment and drawing closer to God.

Church Leaders and Teams including cross church ventures – give thanks for the leaders and teams God has given to Ipswich and the surrounding area. Ask God to help them to draw from His infinite supplies of wisdom, integrity and power each day so that more of His Will is accomplished for His Glory.

Education (across the age range) – give thanks for the many dedicated teachers of young and old in this area. Pray they will teach wisely, not just imparting information but preparing people for life, to use a new skill, to bless others.

  • Prayer suggestion

Dear Father, we thank you for your Church, the Bride of Christ, your Body here on earth. We praise you for the gift of prayer. We ask that we will be much in prayer so that we can then be about your business in this town and area, spreading your Gospel message of hope and your practical compassion day by day. For the glory of your Name, Amen.