May 2024 Prayer Focus

Please use this prayer focus as you are led by God’s Spirit, in personal prayer times, in church prayer times, passing it on via church communications/Facebook groups etc.

  • Scripture

Luke 24:51+52 – ““While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven. And they worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy…”.
Acts 2:1-4 – “When the say of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place, and suddenly a sound came from heaven like a rushing violent wind… And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit…”
Revelation 19:16 – “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords.”

  • Be thankful

The gift of the Holy Spirit – to lead us into all Truth and empower us to serve our Heavenly Father and our Saviour Jesus.

The facilities provided by the local Council and Utilities – despite ongoing financial pressures. Give thanks for the services we can easily take for granted such as provision of water/gas, refuse collection, tending of local parks as well as the more visible services such as sports centres. Give thanks too for local libraries as they battle for funding while often being a hub for their local communities.

  • Intercede

Christians Against Poverty – 1-2 May - the Chief Executive of CAP is coming to meet the staff and volunteers here in Ipswich - please pray for strong relationships to be built and for all to be encouraged.

Thy Kingdom Come” – 9-19 May - initiatives and special events around Ipswich in the Pentecost season. May there be many who accept what Jesus has done for them for the first time. May there may be many practical expressions of God’s love in this season and beyond.

The Big Suffolk Prayer Walk – 10-12 May – Pray that many people will catch the vision for praying with their friends and families in creative ways so that many communities around Suffolk and in Ipswich would be covered with prayer and God’s blessing.

Exam season – pray for all those who are under strain because of important exams they have at this time. May those who know God allow Him to empower them and help them witness to His power at this time.

Non-Office based workers – uphold those who work in all weathers and potentially have to drive long distances. May they be given the energy and focus then need to do worthwhile jobs and also care for their colleagues.

Those who work in the Justice system – give thanks for the dedicated work of so many who seek justice for victims and the accused. May they be given the wisdom and energy they need each day to make fair assessments and judgements.

  • Prayer suggestion

Dear Risen Saviour, words cannot convey our gratitude for Your taking of our punishment for sin and opening the way to a deep relationship with You. Increase our desire to listen to Your voice as Your Holy Spirit works in us. Then we will be able to follow You more closely and let Your Spirit’s power impact many lives through us. This month we lift before You those who have stressful jobs or exams, and those who are seeking justice – help these people to let You equip them with all they need each day. We ask all of this in Your Name, Amen.